Aunt Mais

Q: Wang Gangping, Zhougang Town, Jiangning District, Nanjing City: Wheat is in the 2-leaf 1 heart stage. Field weeds such as amaranth, bluegrass, and hardgrass have just been unearthed. They are in the needle stage with 15% alkyd per acre. Ester WP 20g Plus 75% Isoproturon Wettable Powder 125g Do not work?

A: Clodinafop-propargyl only has stem and leaf treatment and no soil sealing treatment. Isoproturon has both stem and leaf treatments and soil sealing. In the absence of grass weeds, the combination of isoproturon and clodinafop-propargyl can both control the existing grass weeds and have a better soil sealing effect on unearthed weeds. Since the field has poor vicious weeds such as early-maturing pods and hard-grass, isoproturon should be used in sufficient quantities to enhance the control effect. Generally 75% of isoproturon wettable powder dosage is 93-106 grams per acre, 125 grams per acre, the amount is too large, in the case of frost weather in the near future is prone to frost damage. Note that after the use of drugs, it is necessary to ensure that the weather with a minimum daily temperature of 2°C or less does not occur for about 1 week, so as to avoid freezing phytotoxicity.

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