The physiological characteristics and living habits of pigs

The piglets are known for their small size, short stature, and good meat quality, and are therefore nicknamed "mini pigs."

1 . Physiological characteristics

The body of the fragrant pig is plump, with short limbs, short or concave noses, hanging ears or erections, thicker coats, black, white, brown, red, white and black flowers. Adult boars range in body weight from 8-3O kilograms for males to 10-40 kilograms for females. The nose of the pig is flexible and can be used to feed the instinct of underground grass roots, tubers and other foods. There are four toes, but only the third and fourth toes touch the ground. The adult pig had 44 teeth, and the gingival cusps were short and curved, and the incisors, canines, and caries were well developed. Visually and tactilely dull, and audibly and olfactory. Pigs are omnivorous animals that can use a variety of animal and plant feedstuffs, including stems and leaves of plants. However, they have the ability to digest crude fiber, which is worse than that of herbivores. The sweat glands are underdeveloped, the subcutaneous fat layer is thick, and it is difficult to dissipate heat at high temperatures, so the heat resistance is poorer. In addition there are the following features:

(1) The body weight of the small pig was only 0.3-0.5 kg at birth. In adult male gilts, there are rarely more than 30 kilograms, body length is generally 50-60 cm, and body height is 25-35 cm. Female gilts also seldom have more than 40 kilograms, they are generally 65-75 cm in length and 35-45 cm in height. General female pigs are heavier than male pigs.

(2) Higher homozygosity of genetic genes Pigs are formed after a long period of inbreeding, self-cultivation, and survival of the fittest within a specific region and under specific environmental conditions, and genetic genes are relatively stable after homozygous, ie, The lineage is highly purified, so that a distinctive feature such as small body type is preserved.

(3) Mature and slaughtered pigs have relatively mature breeding and reproductive growth. Young pigs usually reach a maturity of 3-4 months after birth, and male pigs can start mating at 3 months of age. Female pigs usually begin mating at 4-5 months of age. Adult slaughter pigs generally take 5 months, and they grow fast in the early stages and grow slowly in the later stages. Generally, the cutoff point is 4 months. After 5 months of age, the meat ratio of fragrant pigs decreased significantly.

(4) The highly homozygous pig gene has a high degree of homogeneity, which makes it more resistant to diseases and nature. In the natural world, the pigs are generally dominated by the green fiber of the crude fiber. Therefore, in the artificial breeding of the pigs, a variety of green roughages can be fully utilized, thereby reducing the cost of breeding and increasing the production efficiency.

(5) Pomory is afraid of heat Because the Sweat sweat glands are underdeveloped and their fat is thick, they are hot in summer. At the same time, due to the small size, it is difficult to keep warm. Therefore, it is cold in the winter. Generally, the pigs are more suitable for the temperature of 15-20°C, and the growth is also relatively poor. At temperatures below 15 °C, growth began to slow or stop growth; at temperatures above 35 °C, the pigs began to wheezing, the feed intake decreased, and even heat stroke occurred. Therefore, there should be warm-keeping measures in winter and summer heat-stroke cooling.

2 . Habits

(1) Hobbies In the hot season, the pigs like to roll in the pool to help dispel heat. Because they love cleaning, they never defecate in places where they eat and sleep.

(2) The temperate fragrant pig is small in size, active, docile, and small and exquisite. Easy to get along with people, so it can be used as a companion animal to raise and enjoy.

(3) Sensitive strong pigs are more sensitive to nerves, more sensitive to olfactory and auditory senses, and they are timid and frightened. When there are more intense stimuli and disturbances, they are prone to stress shock and may even die. Therefore, the environment in the sheds should be kept quiet to prevent other animals from intruding or intrusive.

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