Root vegetable rotting root prevention and control method 5

Many rot-rooting phenomena occur in vegetables during the nursery period, affecting the normal growth of the seedlings. So, how to prevent vegetable rot?

Adding organic fertilizers: Increased application of decomposed organic fertilizers, especially hot manure, not only improves the disease resistance of seedlings, but also improves the soil temperature of the seedbed and reduces the incidence rate. Before nursery, in the seedbed, the crushed and crushed hot manure and bed soil are mixed in a ratio of 5:1 as the nursery soil, and nitrogen fertilizer is used as the base fertilizer as little as possible. Note: The organic fertilizer should be fully decomposed, and it is best to use professional fermentation agents to avoid "burning" and a large loss of nutrients.

Control the amount of watering: When growing seedlings in shelters such as greenhouses or greenhouses, generally the seedbeds are not significantly droughty (the topsoil does not scatter) and do not water; when the drought is obvious, the amount of watering should not be too large.

Pay attention to ventilation: After the cotyledons of vegetables are unfolded, select clear and warm weather to open the cover for ventilation, and evenly spread a layer of fine dry earth to the seedbed, then cover the cover tightly. This will not only reduce the humidity of the bed soil, but also have certain Warming effect. Dehumidification after drainage: After rainfall, if there is stagnant water, remove it immediately and then ventilate and dehumidify it.

Rooting agent: It can be used when seedlings or nursery seedlings are used. The rooting agent is diluted by 10 to 20 times in 50 ml, and sowed in 50 kg of nutritious soil or 4 to 5 square meters of seedlings to promote seed germination, consistent emergence, and no weak seedlings. In the seedling stage, ie after 2 leaves and 1 heart, the rooting agent per square meter is watered or sprayed with 30 to 10 kg of 30 times liquid, which can obviously promote the extension of the main root, increase the number of lateral roots, and increase the vitality and absorption of roots. Strength, to avoid rot, the formation of strong seedlings.

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