Diagnosis and treatment of chicken mycoplasma complicated with E. coli infection

In recent years, the number of clinical cases of chicken mycoplasma disease complicated by E. coli infection has been increasing. However, due to inexperience or rashness of the diagnosticians, misdiagnosis is often caused and serious losses are caused. Therefore, the occurrence and prevalence of this mixed infection should arouse the attention of farmers and clinical veterinarians. The author will give an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of one of the cases.

1 Incidence

In April 2005, 7,000 of the more than 30-day-old Sanhuang chickens were reared on Pengmou in the Liuzhou area of ​​Guangxi, and they complained about chicken spirits, heavier feathers, less appetite, and more than 20 deaths per day. Onset of 5 days. The head of the household believed that it was E. coli disease, during which Enrofloxacin was used to drink water, but chickens were still dead and the condition was not fully controlled. Nearby groups of farmers Momou and Lee's flock also have similar conditions.

2 Clinical symptoms and necropsy changes

The diseased chickens were quibbled, the feathers were messy, and the food was significantly reduced. Pulled white dilute feces, anus pollution; Runny nose, dyspnea, listening to cicadas, occasional cough; lying unwilling to move, and some unilateral eye blindness, weight loss and failure to die. At the autopsy, there was secretion in the nasal cavity, mucus in the trachea and larynx; pericardial effusion, adhesion to the thoracic cavity; the liver was covered with a cellulose membrane; the airbag was thickened and turbid with yellow-white corn-like material; the small intestine mucosa was congested and the contents were eroded. There are many yellow-white creamy exudates in the abdominal cavity.

3 Laboratory inspection

3.1 Bacterial Isolation and Identification The liver and spleen of diseased chickens were smeared and stained with Gram. There was a single negative bacillus with dull ends of medium size. Aseptically, the livers of diseased chickens were inoculated on broth, common agar, and MacConkey agar medium. After culturing at 37°C for 24 hours, the broth was uniformly cloudy, and the bottom of the test tube had a grayish white precipitate; the gray and white color appeared on ordinary agar medium. Emerging wet colonies; brick red colonies appear on the MacConkey medium.

3.2 Biochemical tests The bacteria can ferment glucose, lactose, mannitol, acid production gas, no hydrogen sulfide, no decomposition of urea, cesium matrix positive, VP test was negative, MR test positive.

3.3 Identification of Mycoplasma Take 2 drops of Mycoplasma Antigen on a glass slide, and then use a needle to pierce the veins under the wings of the diseased chicken to suck a drop of blood into the antigen. After gently stirring, gently shake the slide to the right and left. Purple clot.

4 Diagnosis

According to clinical symptoms, necropsy changes and laboratory tests, it was confirmed that broilers were infected with mycoplasma and E. coli.

5 treatment

Using Humeijia, the whole group drank water for 3 days. At the same time, with the day of the day, drinking water was stopped. On the second day, the chickens only sporadically died. No death occurred on the third day of the medication. The chickens began to recover and the food increased significantly.

6 Discussion

Atypical mycoplasma disease is generally chronic and the birds grow slowly, causing few deaths. However, when other bacteria such as E. coli are infected, the mortality rate will increase significantly. Many similar cases of mycoplasma and E. coli infections, because the diagnosis of only see the surface, thought it was a common E. coli disease, and delay the timing of treatment, a major loss. At the same time, the rational use of antibiotics was not taken into consideration when choosing drugs, and there was a lack of consideration in the use of combination drugs and dosages. In this case, although enrofloxacin drinking water was used, due to the long-term use of enrofloxacin in large quantities, drug resistance increased, and the effect of controlling E. coli was not satisfactory.

The main ingredient of Humejia, tilmicosin, is the latest animal-specific drug for the treatment of mycoplasma diseases. It is highly targeted, has a rapid therapeutic effect, is highly safe, and has almost no side effects. From the treatment results of this case, the effect of Humeijia on the concurrent infection of mycoplasma and E. coli is ideal. Respiratory symptoms can be relieved quickly after treatment, which is also a feature of Humeijia.

The high feeding density and poor ventilation are the incentives for mycoplasma disease, and it is also an important cause of the recurrence and difficulty in eradicating the disease. Of course, it is equally important to choose good drugs and do a good job of sanitization.

Roasted Series

Rushan Jinguo Food Co., Ltd , https://www.jinguofood.cn