Low-yielding green date garden transformation technology

In recent years, with regard to the problems of poor site conditions and low production of the Nan'an Kangmei Qingzaoyuan Garden, researches on orchard reconstruction techniques were conducted to explore the techniques of high quality, high yield cultivation and management of green jujube. 1 Orchard Overview The orchard is located beside the Nanhong Highway in Kangmei Town and occupies an area of ​​nearly 5.4hm2. The main cultivar is Gaolang No.1, a Taiwanese jujube. The planting density is 45-50 strains/667m2. The garden soil is sandy soil with good air permeability, but it has strong leakage, and has low fertilizer and water retention capacity, pH 5.0-6.0. In the past five years since the establishment of the park, due to extensive cultivation and management, the soil fertility has declined, and serious pests and diseases have occurred. The Zaoyuan Ordinary Performance is “rural, old, and bad”. Before the test, the yield was 450-500kg/667m2; the average fruit weight was 60-100g, and the tree results showed poor quality and low yield. 2 Main technical measures for improvement 2.1 Cultivation of soil fertility 2.1.1 The soil is reconstructed within 1.5 meters of the tree body, and the soil and soil are improved to improve soil fertility. The soil in the park is plowed and interplanted with leguminous crops or green manure, which not only regulates soil and water, but also inhibits weed growth. Through the above measures, soil physicochemical properties can be effectively improved, soil microbial activities can be promoted, and soil water retention and fertility enhancement capabilities can be met to meet the growth needs of jujube trees. 2.1.2 Adding organic fertilizers, suitable for chemical fertilizers Around mid-October, dig deep and wide strips with a width of 30? and apply organic fertilizer (Hongying Natural Organic Fertilizer) 1.5-2kg at each projection of the tree crown. Cover soil after. In early April of the following year, in combination with spring plowing, 0.5-0.75 kg (4-year-old plants) of carbon ammonia and calcium fertilizer are applied to each plant to promote the germination of jujube buds; the vigorous growth stage of 7-8 months and the application of foliar fertilizer or application compound at the early stage of flowering. Fertilizer 1-1.5kg per plant to increase tree vigor. 2.1.3 timely irrigation In the past few years, due to climate change, the amount of rainfall is relatively low, and in the summer and autumn, heavy rain often falls. Water must be drained in time. The winter and spring droughts are obvious. Water should be poured in time to keep the orchard moist to meet the growth of jujube trees. Demand for water. In addition, in early April of that year, combined with fertilization irrigation to promote bud water, promote the jujube tree sprouting, and according to the growth of the crown and flowering stage, selectively filling enough water, conducive to bud formation, but before the flowering period and young Fruit can not be flooded. In mid-December, when the fruit diameter is 1.5 ,, water irrigation should promote rapid fruit enlargement and promote high quality and high yield of fruit. Irrigation to keep the soil moist is appropriate, not too wet, otherwise it is easy to cause root rot. 2.1.4 The cultivating and weeding garden is afraid of the shortage. The growing season of the jujube tree is necessary for intercropping and weeding in the jujube garden. In particular, during the vigorous growth period and the fine weather after the rain, it is necessary to grasp the loose soil to ensure soil moisture and eliminate roots that are not used for breeding. According to the survey, jujube trees that have been cultivated and weeded have a better growth potential than those of cultivated jujube trees, and production can increase by 12.2%. 2.2 Scientific pruning and fruit thinning 2.2.1 Pruning The purpose of pruning the green jujube tree is to cultivate a robust tree skeleton, rationally configure the branch system, improve the lighting conditions at various parts of the canopy, and timely adjust the tree growth and result conflict, and maintain the tree body. Balance the relationship, promote early fruit, high-quality and high-yield, and in addition, transform low-yield trees, rejuvenate branches and maintain high yields throughout the year. According to my research and relevant information, the trimming method of Taiwan's jujube can be divided into updated trimming, long-tip trimming, and pruning. Main trunk pruning: In the 1-year-old jujube trees cut off at a height of 30 to the ground to induce lateral branch growth; the growth of the lateral branches to maintain good growth, branches to the four branches of 4-6 as the main branch, the remaining branches cut off; 2 years old or more Jujube trees should be pruned and renewed every 1-2 years. After the jujube harvested in February or March, the trees should be sawn off at a height of 10 离 from the ground to facilitate grafting and regeneration. Branches obliquely on both sides of the main branch, all branches close to the main branch need to be cut off. Before flowering, excessively dense shoots inside the plant and the tip of the branches that may be too low and close to the ground after the result should be cut off together to keep the orchard well-ventilated so that the plants can receive sufficient sunshine. 2.2.2 Timely fruit thinning In order to make the fruit huge, it is necessary to carry out appropriate fruit thinning. When the fruit develops, it is advisable to cut off the tip of the shoot and dense fruit, spikes and weak branches. In combination with fruit bagging, selective fruit thinning is necessary. According to the measurement, in the same region, the fruit size of the thin fruit tree is large, the average fruit weight is 100-140g, while the average fruit weight of the non-fruiting date tree is less than 100g. 2.3 Integrated Pest Control In this test garden, the main disease of jujube tree is powdery mildew, and the control method is to spray 600-800 times of 15% triadimefon wettable powder and 600-800 times that of 50% zinc WP wettable powder. The main insect pests are red spider, wax cockroach, and borer, and the former two are treated with 20% swampoli emulsion 1000 times or 90% trichlorfon 800 times. It is better to add 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.4%-0.5% urea when spraying pesticides. The availability of lure-available attractants and the killing of avastin bactericides are effective. 3 Summary and discussion 3.1 Through the two-year renovation test and the application of relevant scientific management techniques, the test park has shown significant yield increase and economic benefits. The community test can increase production by more than 140-180kg per 667m2, increasing production by 37%; the average single fruit gain is 20-40g, an increase of 20.5%; the high-quality fruit rate is 89.6%, an increase of 154.9%. If calculated according to management and scientific and technological inputs, an increase of 286 yuan per 667m2 will be required, and 160 kg per 667m2 will be increased. The wholesale price of green jujube will be calculated at 5 yuan/kg, and the technical input will increase by 514 yuan per 667m2. 3.2 Except for the high humidity during flowering and small fruit period, the green jujube garden should keep the garden moist all the year round; the scientific pruning relates to the yield and quality of the green jujube, and the fruit thinning work can not be ignored; adhere to comprehensive prevention and control of pests and diseases, use low toxicity and high efficiency as much as possible , Less public hazards new insecticides, and vigorously promote biological control technology.

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