Five taboos for unpacking late ripe apples

Don’t take the time to unbag the apples. The time to unpack the apples is from September 25 to October 1 as******, because the suitable temperature for apple coloring is 13℃~15℃, when the temperature is greater than 10℃, after unb ......

Sulphur fertilizer, big fertilization, don't forget it

In the past, for a long time, the growers mainly increased the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to increase the yield of crops, and the application of sulfur fertilizers was far from being taken seriously. Applying sulfur fertilizer in a sulfur-deficient area generally increases crop ......

Grape winter cold

A: Winter shears before winter, reducing the evaporation of water from winter branches. Watering once, ensure that the roots are stored in water and maintain the ground temperature. Apply organic fertilizer to promote its health. The tree body insulation ......

Green grapes in the greenhouse

One look: look at the tree shape, look at the tree potential, look at the variety. These intuitive factors form the basis of the pruning scheme. In addition to the above three observations, the relationship between the balance of forces in the various par ......

Causes and prevention measures of pepper leaves

Farmers who grow peppers know that during the planting of peppers, they often encounter the problem of falling leaves. If they are not controlled in time, they will cause the leaves of pepper plants to fall out, resulting in severe reductions in pepper pr ......