Kiwi cultivation in mountain area

First, the choice of kiwifruit garden and rack type Mountainous areas with convenient transportation, sufficient sunlight, water supply, moderate rainfall, slightly high humidity, loose, well-ventilated sandy loam or sandy soil, or humus-rich loose soil It is better to build a garden. After the site is determined, the roads, irrigation and drainage systems, and fertilizer management rooms should be planned, and then the planned ventilation ditch should be planned. Kiwifruit planting mainly used scaffolding methods: T-shaped frame, fences, tripods, scaffolding and so on. Most of the flat-topped scaffolds can be used on site to make use of the existing small-diameter trees for live piles, plus some replaceable bamboo and wooden logs, and concrete piles are used for key parts. In situ height 1.8 meters, with 10-12 number of vertical and horizontal cross-wire was "well" shape network, wire spacing 60 cm or so. Second, fertilization According to kiwifruit varieties, the planned yield and soil fertility determine the amount of fertilizer. Before planting, each tree in the pit can be fed with 2.5 kg of fruit and tree fertilizer at one time, and a small amount of fertilization method is used for the juvenile tree. Afterwards, fertilization is usually performed 3 times a year, with 1 fertilizer and 2 top dressings. Basal fertilizer, also known as winter fertilizer, is applied after the fruit is harvested. Each plant is applied with 20 kg of organic fertilizer and 1.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer is mixed and applied. The first top dressing was applied after germination. Each NPK fertilizer was 2 kg to enrich the spring shoots and the resulting trees. The second was applied before the growing season and could be applied to the fruit or compound fertilizer. Because the root of the kiwifruit is a fleshy root, it is necessary to dig a shallow ditch from the root to apply chemical fertilizer and seal the soil so as not to cause root burning. After fertilization in dry season, irrigation must be performed. Third, plastic pruning and sparse fruit tree branches According to the scaffolding method, to make full use of the plane, so that the distribution of branches, so as to achieve the purpose of high yield and quality. After kiwifruit cultivation, it was divided into winter cuts, summer cuts and pruning of male plants. The winter shear was carried out during the period from 1 month before the defoliation to the early spring budding, mainly sparsely sheared, and the short cut was appropriate. Keep the main vine and the resulting mother branch, and you should cut off the dense branches. Weak branches, cross branches, and pests and branches. Summer cuts are mainly from mid-May to early July, except for the buds, toppings, sparse shears and tie-ups. The buds on the main trunk are wiped out in time to arrange the shoots. Male plants are trimmed after the May to June flowers. Keep 3-4 shoots per plant, leaving 4-6 shoots per shoot. When the new shoot is 1 meter long, it will be picked up. It usually takes 1 month after flowering. Leave in the middle fruit, thinning fruit, to reach 1 fruit per 4-5 leaves. Generally, the branch has 1-2 fruits per 20 centimeters, and the weak branches 20-25 centimeters have 5-6 fruit. The strain produces 50 kilograms and should leave 500-600 fruits. Diseases and Pest Control The major diseases of kiwifruit are anthracnose, root-knot nematode disease, blight, damping-off, root rot, and fruit soft rot. Among them, anthrax is harmful to both stems and leaves, and also harms the fruit. It can be sprayed 2-3 times with 800 times carbendazim for prevention and control. For the control of root-knot nematode diseases, fertilizer and water management should be strengthened and controlled with methyl isophosulfide or 30% carbofuran toxicity soil. The main pests of kiwifruit are Mulberry Shields, Betel nut shields, ground tigers, beetles, leafhoppers, and fruit suckers. The insects of the scale insects were treated with omethoate or swift 1500-2000 dilutions; the insect pests were mixed with frydan and carbofuran at a ratio of 10:1 on the ground. For beetles, they are sprayed with dipterex or malathion 1000 times in the late afternoon or early April, or with pyrethroid insecticides. After the fruit is picked, the orchard is cleaned, pests and branches are cut off, dead branches are burned, and burned in a centralized manner to reduce the sources of pest infestation.

Red Goji Berry

Goji Berry , Dried Fruit,Native Products,Fruit & Melon

Goji Berry, Goji Plants Co., Ltd. ,