Winter garlic is at the right time

First, choose the site preparation. Garlic is a chord root, water absorption capacity is weak, bulbs grow in the soil, swelling, so garlic should choose loose soil, irrigation and drainage convenience, organic matter is rich, fertile soft, strong water retention of sandy soil cultivation, a good half mud Sandy land is conducive to the growth of garlic roots. Planting land generally need to be properly deep-turned, whitening, high sorghum, and flat rakes. The rakes are 1-3?1-7 meters wide and 0-5 meters wide. It is necessary to break the mud, shovel the ditch, and facilitate drainage and irrigation. Second, apply base fertilizer. Garlic is strong in fertility and has high requirements for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen is the main fertilizer, phosphorus is the second, and potassium is the second most. Basal fertilizer is mainly composed of compost, which will mix garbage, fire-burning soil, and plant ash, and add 60 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 50 kg of potassium fertilizer or 80 kg of compound fertilizer to mix and decompose, and apply 1800 to 2000 kg of organic fertilizer per acre. In order to meet the growth needs of garlic. For example, more fertile vegetables can be used less properly. Third, timely early planting. Sowing period can be in late October (before and after the "frost") to early November (before and after "early winter"), collecting garlic in late February to early March. Before planting garlic, choose a pest-free, full-filled garlic clove with some scale-based dishes and plant it directly on the soil. Row spacing 912 centimeters, the general amount of 60 to 75 kilograms. Fourth, fertilizer and water management. 1 Cover grass. After the garlic is planted, the sorghum must be covered with a layer of yarrow to prevent the sun from damaging the garlic and reduce the direct impact of heavy rainfall, water and fertilization. It can also reduce the evaporation of water and keep the soil moist, soft and conducive to garlic. Root growth. Can be mixed in the side of the cabbage heart, cabbage in the row, instead of covering, to remove the seedlings during the transplant period, in order to improve land utilization. At the same time weeding several times, so that the normal growth of garlic. 2 Irrigation. After the completion of the seedlings, we must quickly fill the fields with water, and then rinse the surface with water. After the wet surfaces are completely wet, drain the pit water or leave a small amount of pit water. Afterwards, look at the weather and the humidity of the surface for watering. To keep the surface dry and semi-wet, avoid deep water. 3 top dressing. The general garlic field is applied 3 to 4 times fertilizer. The first time after planting 10 to 12 days after the emergence of seedlings Miao Shi, Mushi rare human excrement 500 kg plus urea 3-4 kg mixed splash. The second time after 30-40 days after planting Miao Qi, Mushi Shi manure 800 kg, or urea 506 kg. The third time in the 50-60 days after planting, Mushi applied 1000 kilograms of manure or 8 to 10 kilograms of urea, or 20 to 25 kilograms of compound fertilizer, and 6 to 8 kilograms of potassium chloride. The fourth time in the 70 to 75 days after planting, the rapid expansion of bulbs, Mushi Shi manure 1500 kg, or urea 10 to 15 kg, potassium chloride 8 to 10 kg, or compound fertilizer 40 to 50 kg. Spray water once after fertilization to prevent burns and yellow leaves. Fifth, pest control. The main pests of garlic are soft rot, yellow leaf disease, and coffee beans. The control of disease can be sprayed with 25% carbendazim 500 times. Insect pests can be sprayed with 9000 times 90% crystal trichlorfon. Bacterial blight and downy mildew can be sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil 500 times. Six, timely harvest. Garlic can be harvested after harvesting garlic for 20 to 30 days. But can not wait until all the leaves of the aboveground withered, such as the spring weather is more rainy, and too late to close, easily rot, after the harvest of garlic easily spread out, intolerant storage. After harvesting, cool in the sun for a few days, then bunch the bundles and store them in a cool and dry place for hanging. Or smoked in batches after export.

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