Apple's storage management

In the golden autumn season, the fruit is fragrant and the harvest is in sight. This is the most happiest moment for fruit growers in the year. However, let's not forget that farmers with storage conditions should make preparations early to clean up, disinfect fruit banks, check equipment, and wait for fruit. Library. What should be done in apple storage? 1. Cleaning the fruit bank Regardless of the type of fruit bank, all apples must be carefully cleaned before they are put into storage. Garbage and rubbish must be removed from the library and then sprayed with a 1% solution of formalin, or simmered with sulphur. Days (10 grams of sulfur per cubic meter), attention should be given to proper ventilation before people enter the fruit store two or three days later. Second, the fruit of good fruit storage into the library from the harvest should pay attention to the fruit picking staff should cut light nails, light pick light, ensure that fruit stem integrity, picking fruit cage or basket with a layer of cloth, To prevent crushing bumped fruit. After the selection of the fruit, it is best to use 4% of the agricultural resistance 120, 600 times spray or pod sterilization. After the fruit surface liquid is dried, the selected fruit is put into the field soil trench or the courtyard back cover to be pre-cooled, ready for storage. Do keep in mind that the freshly picked apples must not be rushed into storage because the fruits of this time are very active and the amount of heat released is greater. At this time, storage affects the storage effect. Third, the fruit bank management Fruit bank management is mainly the management of temperature, humidity, apple storage temperature is generally 0-2 °C, relative humidity 80-90%. Therefore, in the early stages of apple storage or cell entry, it is necessary to check the temperature. If the temperature is too high, it is necessary to adjust the cooling equipment in time, or use natural ventilation to reduce the temperature. The natural ventilation cooling time is selected before dawn, when the outside temperature is low, it is easy to cool down. The humidity in the cellar is generally easy to control, and the built-in fruit storehouse is difficult to control because of the humidity. If the humidity is low, on the one hand, check whether the fruit storehouse is closed tightly. On the other hand, artificial humidity is used to maintain the humidity stability. Second, the fruit bank should reduce the ventilation, reduce the oxygen concentration, minimize the respiratory depletion of fruit nutrition, to achieve the purpose of storage and preservation. In addition, the diseased fruit and rotten fruit found during the inspection should be brought out of the fruit bank in time to prevent the spread of germs. Fourth, graded storage Apples are sold in accordance with the specifications before the best grade binning, do not mix, seem to simplify the mixed equipment a little procedure, in fact, significantly reduced income. Smart farmers even post, at the same time 1000 kilograms of apples, mixed sale sells only 1.80-2.00 per kilogram; if the sale of grade, apples of 80 or more can be sold for 2.80-3.00 yuan per kilogram, 1000 kilograms of apples in storage of more than 80 apples Generally account for a majority, up to 600-700 kilograms, the price is obvious, the remaining 300-400 kilograms of fruit to sell the money, the whole is to earn more. Therefore, the author advocates the classification of sales, which is actually a value-added method of fruit.

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