Early Prevention of Dead Seedlings in Winter Wheat

During the winter of wheat, due to cold freezing or improper management, dead seedlings are often caused, and measures should be taken to prevent and remedy them as soon as possible.

Preventive measures (1) Winter irrigation drought protection seedlings. The winter irrigation is started when the average daily temperature is 7 to 8°C after the beginning of winter, and the average daily temperature is 4 to 5°C. The field is suitable for freezing overnight. (2) Repression of solid soil. The wheat field repression can increase the temperature and ensure the safety of the crop, and it can be carried out before noon on the sunny day after wheat ceases to grow until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. (3) The plough cuts the cracks. After winter irrigation, the wheat field should be timely scratched to break the soil compaction, make up for cracks, enhance the ability of heat preservation, and promote the development of wheat root system.

Remedial measures (1) transplant seedlings, sparse. If the seedlings are cut off due to overwintering seedlings, they can be thinned and replenished after turning green. The white wheat seedlings that are still green in the tillering section, and which are still recoverable, do not have to be transplanted to make up the seedlings. The management should be strengthened. (2) supplement nitrogen fertilizer, promote seedling rejuvenation. After the return of green wheat, early fertilization, Ammonium bicarbonate 25 to 40 kg per acre, to promote the wheat as soon as possible rejuvenation. (3) Adjusting measures to local conditions and timely watering. For transplanting seedlings in wheat fields, watering should be promptly done after the seedlings are filled. The plots that do not make up the seedlings cannot be watered prematurely and should be flexibly controlled according to the ground temperature and soil moisture. Generally, when the wheat is returned to green, the temperature of 5 cm is stable and it is watered at 5°C. The amount of water should not be too large and should be poured lightly. A better-known plot can postpone watering time. (4) Foliar fertilization, nutritional supplements. Spraying humic acid foliar fertilizer once or twice after freezing injury of wheat can promote the recovery of wheat as soon as possible. (5) cultivating windrows, warming and keeping warm. After the wheat field is eroded, the earthworms are ploughed and hoeed early, so as to loosen the soil, promote the long-term and early-onset emergence of the wheat seedlings, and increase the percentage of the spikes.

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