You may not know the eight magical uses of salt

Salt is not only an indispensable seasoning in people's daily life, but also one of the important substances for maintaining normal human metabolism. For the use of salt, people are generally confined to the understanding of the seasoning of salt, but they still do not know enough about its other uses. Today we will introduce you to the eight subtle uses of salt.

1. Sprinkle a little salt on the shoes, can absorb sweat and deodorize

2. Indoor cold salt water can remove paint

3. Wash clothes and add a little salt to clean as new

4. Salt water wash wooden furniture, make it beautiful and soft and more durable

5. The sink sinks salt water periodically to keep it clean and prevent stinking and accumulation of oil

6. Metalware and salt water can remove rust

7. Put some salt in the fish tank to make the goldfish lively and healthy

8. Porcelain glass is boiled in salt water and does not break easily

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