Earthworms feed and feeding methods

Earthworm worms have a wide range of feeding habits, and various plant leaves, fruit skins, melon pods, and wheat bran, husks, and oil dregs are all good feeds for them. According to the different nature of feed, the feed of Earthworm can be divided into animal, plant and mineral feeds.

First, animal feed All kinds of meat, fish, milk after processing by-products, as well as fish and shrimp, livestock and poultry can be used as the ground worm feed. But things that are rotten and spoiled cannot be fed.

Second, vegetable feed, including green feed, cereal feed, and various kinds of cakes, is the main source of protein. Green feed includes some aquatic and terrestrial plants such as green vegetables, duckweed, leaves, wild vegetables, pumpkins, loofahs, and stalks, stems, leaves, and fruits of crops. Cereal feeds mainly come from by-products after grain processing, such as rice bran, bran, and corn bran. This kind of feed contains low protein, but contains more starch and sugar, and is the main feed for feeding earthworms. Cake feeds mainly come from the dried cakes of oil crops (soybeans, peanuts, rapeseeds, etc.). Cake feeds are rich in protein, but cottonseed cakes and rapeseed cakes contain toxic substances that require heat treatment to remove toxic components before they can be used. The demand for this kind of feed is not great, but it is very important.

Third, the mineral surname feed mineral feed mainly used livestock and poultry, fish bones dried after processing into a fine powder, mixed with other feed.

Under normal circumstances, the nymphs come out for food in the dark, and are buried again before dawn. Therefore, feeding should be carried out before and after the evening. Feeding once a day, the amount of feeding depends on the feeding density, the amount of insects is large, and the number of insects is small. After each feeding, attention should be paid to observe the situation of excess and deficiency of feed. The principle of having more than enough is to eat enough locusts and avoid waste.

According to the different stages of growth and development of nymphs and nymphs, the following feeding methods can be used:

1. Say it. This is a simple method of feeding, evenly spread the feed on the surface of the cultured soil. This method is suitable for feeding 1-3 young instar nymphs, because 1-3 young instar nymphs often move in the surface layer of cultured soil.

2. Feed on the food plate. The food board can be made of thin wood board or cardboard, with a length and width of 20 cm each. Place a few food plates on the surface of the cultured soil and sprinkle the feed on the plates. This method is suitable for feeding more than 4 instar nymphs, adults and egg spawns. As the earthworms are mostly on the edge of the pond and in the four corners, food plates should be placed in these places.

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