Palm Branch

Scientific name: ArengawesterhoutiiGriff.

Family: Palmaceae

Morphological characteristics:

The inflorescences of the palmaceae are called the flaming inflorescences, which are large and have many branches. There are more than one piece of spathe. Their flowers are small, generally unisexual, and the perianth is not obvious. There are 3 pieces in each round, 6 stamens, and 3 less. There are 3 carpels, combined or separated in different degrees. Ovary superior, 3 rooms, 1 ovule per room. Fruit is stonefruit, berries or nuts.

There are about 150 genera of more than 1,500 species of palms, and more than 60 species of 16 genera in China, with Guangdong and Taiwan being the largest.

Use characteristics:

The leaf sheath of palm contains brown fiber, which is a raw material for making ropes, and can also be used to make rain-proof coats; brown hair and fruit are diarrheal heat hemostatic drugs. Palm is the coldest species in the palm family and can be distributed to the Yangtze River basin. Because it stands upright, the leaves circle like a fan, and the tops of stems are clustered. The appearance is unique. The north is often used as a bonsai. Kirin is a climbing shrub whose fruit is as large as cherries. Among them is an ester resin, which is called dragon's blood. It contains flavonoids such as plasma and dried dragon's blood. medicine.

Galamus is a vine, and its vines are long and often stripped for weaving utensils. It is relatively easy to recognize the palm branch. Its distinctive feature is that the trunk is single and unbranched, and the leaves are large. The leaf shape is pinnate or pachyderm-shaped, and the leaves are sheath-like and envelop the trunk.

Palm Branch - King of Tropical Plants

Among the tropical plants, the palm branch has an important position because of their great usefulness. In addition, many of the plants of this family are single trees that rise up to more than 10 meters or even 50 meters. Therefore, they have the title of king of tropical plants. The tall coconut trees (Gocosnucifera L.), with large, large fan-filled coconut leaves on the top of the tree, add a beautiful view to the tropical coast. On some islands, the coconuts become forests; this is because the coconut's fruit is not afraid of salt and can float. , With the drifting across the ocean, to breed around. The coconut fruit is a stone fruit with three layers of skin. The skin is thin. The middle skin is a thick brown fiber. The endothelium is a hard shell. The shell is filled with endosperm. The meat is edible, or it is hollow and sweet water can be drunk. Pericarp fibers or hard shells can be used as tools, trunks are used for construction, and leaves can be woven. Arecacatechu L. is also a tree, its fruit is light and oval, 3-5 cm in diameter, orange-red; skin called big belly, can gas, diuretic; seed is a good medicine to drive maggots, aphids.

The fruit of the date (Phoenizdactylifera L.) (date palm) is a berry, which can be eaten raw or dried. The Iraqi candied fruit is made from the fruit of date palm. There are many starches in the stem of the Metroxylonsagu Rottb. The juicy flower axis of Garyotamitis Lour. has sweet water that can sweeten or make wine. The oil palm (Elaeisguineensis Jacq.) has an oval shape with oil in the outer layer of the oil. The content is up to 60%. The nuts contain 50% oil. During the productive period, the average oil yield per plant is 30 to 40 pounds, and the palm kernel oil is 8- 10 pounds, such as 10 per acre, the average production of palm oil, palm oil 400-500 pounds per mu, equivalent to 5 acres of peanut oil production. In addition to edible palm oil, it can also be used to make margarine, soap, candles and more. The leaf of Livistonachinensis Brown is the raw material of the big leaf fan.

When it comes to palm plants, the first thing people think of is the coastal scenery of Hainan. The sea is full of blue, and the long coastline is the coconut palm of the leaves. Palm plants are deeply rooted in beautiful forms. Of course, the palm family is a large family. There are more than 3,000 known species in the world. It is only 1/3000 that coconuts and straws have edible coconuts. Palm plants have become popular in the world as an ornamental garden. People in many areas are proud to have palm plants and represent it as a symbol of wealth and social status. More than 100 years ago, when Europeans expanded their colonies around the world, they found that in the tropics there was a tropical plant with straight trunks, round crowns, and wind and salt resistance. They breed in their respective communities and do everything possible. It was introduced back to the botanical gardens of the European continent as a kind of loot and a proud display of "Nothing to me".

Even now, in Europe and the United States, it is still proud to have a private palm garden. Many noble places must choose palms to represent power and status. High society likes to dance in the palm garden. Many symphony concerts are located in the palm garden. In addition, there are many palm fans in the world. They all take pride in knowing the variety of palm plants. They also collect and speculate the seedlings of common varieties and rare varieties. Today, palm seedlings have a common international experience. The cost. (For example, in Taiwan, the bottle of coconut milk was raised to NT$250,000 a seedling, and in China's Fuzhou, there was also a RMB50 per blade of an overlord brown leaf seedling.) Currently palm is widely grown in economically developed regions of the world. The two rich states of California and Florida are full of palms. The palm plant research institutions are all over the world and there are also specialized association organizations. There are also many achievements in the study of palms in our country. Prof. Rusong Song of South China Botanical Garden and Mr. Chen Rongsheng of Xiamen Botanical Garden are well-known figures at home and abroad in the research and field of palm plants.

Palm trunks are straight and flexible. The leaves are large and concentrated at the top of the canopy. The root range is only within two meters of the trunk. It can thrive in the thin and fat-losing soil and is resistant to salt and drought. In recent years, palm plants have been widely used in landscaping in recent years: palm trees, seaside trees, swimming pool trees, trees in public places, broadleaf plants in slaughterhouses, and green trees in arid regions can be seen everywhere. Do not think palmaceous plants are tropical crops. In fact, there are some palm plants that are very cold-tolerant. In eastern China, they can be exposed to winter. Here are some of the cold-tolerant palm plants:

1. ButiauaPitata is one of the cold-resistant palm varieties. It has been reported from international sources that it had survived at -22oC for more than a week. It can be said that the south of the Yangtze River valley can be planted indiscriminately. This species grows slowly and its leaves are gray-blue and can grow up to 5 meters in length, but it may take 10 years from the seeds. Its seeds usually germinate for two years. Sex and sunshine, the finished product is very drought-resistant, and can be used in the desert or central cities of China. It is also commonly planted in southern Japan. This tree is viewed as a garden.

2. Phoenix Canariensls is commonly used in the Mediterranean and Middle East. There are also dozens of plants in the Palace of Versailles in France. Its trunk is straight, and its crown is large and tidy. It is a palm plant full of aristocratic style. The total height can reach 13 meters, hi sunshine, can be cold to a 10C. The finished product is very tolerant to drought and can withstand large day and night temperature differences and is also suitable for use in desert areas.

3. Washington Husbandry (Washingionia Robusta) This species is planted on the roads and deserts of California, and is almost a sign of California's street trees. It grows rapidly, up to 20 meters or more. The finished product is extremely drought-tolerant and cold-resistant and can reach -10OC. This variety can be planted in the south of the Yangtze River.

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