Bamboo leaves


Because of the shape of green leaves, such as apples, it is also known as apple bamboo raft, green apple bamboo raft.

Family Genus

Morphological characteristics:

The plant is 40 cm to 60 cm in height, with a rhizome, green petiole, which grows directly from the rhizome, leaves are large, thin, leathery, oval, new leaves are green, old leaves are green, Along the side veins are neatly arranged silver-grey stripes, and the edges of the leaves are wavy.


Native American tropical regions grow in tropical rainforests.

Growth habits:

Hi warm and moist half-negative environment, not resistant to cold and drought, avoid sun exposure and dry hot winds.

The optimum temperature for growth is 18°C ​​to 25°C. In this condition, the potted soil is kept moist and water is not accumulated. This species has a relatively high requirement for air humidity. Especially during the growth period of new leaves, water should always be sprayed to the plants, otherwise air drying may occur. Causes the leaf margins to dry and the new leaves are difficult to stretch. In addition, the strong light will cause the leaf edge to be defocused, and the insufficient light will cause the silver-grey stripes on the leaf surface to decrease, which will affect the viewing. Can be placed in a bright place without direct sunlight.

For beauty, you can often wipe the blade with a clean, soft cloth dipped in water. Every 20 days or so during the vigorous growth period, a decomposed thin organic liquid fertilizer or special fertilizer for foliage plants is applied. Winter should receive more light, the temperature can not be lower than 12 °C, and stop the fertilization, appropriate to reduce the water, keep the pot soil is not dry, such as the spring to grow new leaves and then return to normal management. Change pots every other year, basin soil should be loose and fertile, drainage permeability is good, and contains a lot of humus slightly acidic soil, available rot leaf soil or peat soil plus a small amount of coarse sand or perlite mixture preparation.


The ramets can be changed in combination with the wadding. When cultivating the ramets, care must be taken to ensure that each shard contains more leaves and robust roots. The new plant should not be planted too deeply. All the roots can be buried in the soil, otherwise the growth of sprouts will be affected. . The new strain should control soil moisture, but it can often spray water on the leaves to increase air humidity. Wait until a new root grows before fully watering.


The leafy bamboo leaves are fresh and pleasant, and they are very popular indoor foliage plants. They are suitable for medium-sized potted plants and decorated living rooms. They are stylish and natural and quite unique.

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