The benefits and precautions of eating lotus root meal

The benefits and precautions of eating lotus root meal

Since ancient times, lotus root meal is a liquid diet that people are accustomed to drink. The powder is sweet and sweet, it can cure hot thirst, leaving blood and appetizers. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" also records the use of wolfberry powder to take light food for the better.

The nutritional value of loquat powder is also high, including 88% of carbohydrates, 0.8% of protein, 0.5% of fat, and contains a variety of vitamins and calcium, potassium, iron and zinc. The carbohydrate in lotus root starch is mainly starch, and its starch granules are particularly fine. After boiling, it is soft and delicious, and it is easily digested and absorbed. Some frail elderly people who drink milk and soymilk feel stomach discomfort, and have abdominal distension and diarrhea. Milk and soymilk are gas-producing foods that are not suitable for frail patients.


Description: After brewing, the wolfberry flour is transparent and crystal clear. The fragrance is overflowing. It is refreshing and delicious. It not only fills hunger, but also nourishes the product.

Efficacy: In addition to starch, glucose and protein, wolfberry powder also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus and various vitamins. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that wolfberry can make up five internal organs, and the spleen and stomach, and benefits blood and qi. The oysters are sweet and cool, and after processing into wolfberry powder, their properties are also changed from cool to warm. They are both easy to digest and have the effect of Shengjinqingre, nourishing yin, nourishing the spleen, and nourishing blood to stop bleeding.

For the crowd: most people can eat. Elderly people who suffer from diarrhea, poor appetite and thirst are particularly good food. Ideal nutrition for children and frailty.

Applicable amount: Each time a small bowl, about 50 grams.


● lotus root starch contains too much starch, and most lotus root starch is very sweet, not excessive consumption, obese people should eat less.

● Immediately irrigated instant noodles need not be boiled with warm boiled water. After flushing into boiling water, stir until translucent and serve.

● Brewing water temperature can be about 90 °C

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