Citrus split disease prevention and control method

Citrusexcocortis Virus has occurred in Sichuan, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian, Taiwan and other provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in China. The varieties imported from foreign countries such as Xia Orange, Washington Navel Orange, Ulex Lemon, and Umbilical Blood Orange have occurred frequently. The disease is common in mandarin trees such as peony, orange, lemon, and lemon.
Symptoms: Sweet oranges rooted in rootstocks and summer oranges rooted in red oak and lime are used for 2-8 years after onset of colonization. The root bark of the rootstock is cracked longitudinally, longitudinal cracks appear, crowns dwarf, and new shoots become scarce. However, the leaves were weaker than the normal ones. Some leaf veins were green and the leaves were yellow. Similar to the zinc-deficient condition, some twigs were dead, the diseased trees bloomed, the flowering and fruiting were serious, and the yield decreased significantly. If the plant is infected by a weak strain, the crown is dwarfed and the rootstock is not cracked.
【Pathogen】 The pathogen is a kind of virus, it has no protein capsid, is a free low-molecular nucleic acid, and has a high degree of stability, the virus-like juice is kept at 110 °C for 10 to 15 minutes, still no loss of invasiveness The grafting knife or pruning shears that are contaminated with the diseased sap can also maintain their infectivity for months.
[Pathogenesis] Diseased strains and hidden strains are the source of disease infestation. In addition to the spread of disease through seedlings and scions, the disease can be transmitted by contact with pathogenic tools and hands and healthy bast tissue.
Sweet orange, broad-leaved tangerine, and lime, which were rootstocks such as peony, orange, lemon, and camphor, showed obvious symptoms after induction; oranges, red oranges, and oranges were used as rootstock for sweet oranges. Plants such as broad-leaved mandarin oranges and limes showed no symptoms after they became sick, and became hidden strains.
Pseudodesial disease is relatively rapid in some plants, and can be used as an indicator for identification. Symptoms are manifested in the leaves of ramperidum and citronella for 3 to 6 months. In the former, a long macular spot appeared in the new shoot, the bark cracked longitudinally, and the latter bent backwards. In the back of the leaf, the veins were thrombocytic necrotic and cracked. In the Petunia, Java 37 and soil Sanqi 7 to 6 weeks showed symptoms, the disease was the middle vein necrosis and cracking, the leaves upright and curling, while growth was inhibited.
[control methods]
1 Use a robust and non-toxic parent strain as the ear-sprouting strain. Use disease-resistant or disease-resistant sour orange and red orange as rootstock.
2 After pruning the susceptible plants, the pruning tool was sterilized using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite bleach 8-10 times, 2% sodium hydroxide, or 2% formalin.

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Oral use (don`t need to inject)

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