Maize sheep winter lamb management technical points

First, make full preparations before lambing 1. Bring lambs to the shed. Because lambs are particularly sensitive to low temperature during their first birth, the temperature of the rectum is usually reduced by 2°C to 3°C within 1 hour after birth. Therefore, the temperature of the lamb shelter should reach 0°C to 5°C to prevent the lamb from feeling cold at the time of birth. Also, keep the floor dry, well-ventilated, well lit, and free from thieves. In the vicinity of the shed, a warm room should be arranged for the use of firstborn lambs and first aid lambs.
In addition, about 1 week before lambing, it is necessary to repair and clean the sheds, feed racks, feed troughs, tillers, etc., and use 3% to 5% alkali water or 10% to 20% lime milk solution. Thorough disinfection.
2. Forage feed. Winter lambs are required to provide sufficient fodder for forage because the winter lambs are in the late haying season. If there is a lack of good winter forages or sufficient fodder and feed, the ewes are prone to lack of milk and affect the development of lambs, so they should be The winter ewe's ewes are prepared with plenty of hay, good quality crop stalks, juicy feed, and appropriate concentrates.
3. Drugs and drugs. Disinfecting medicines such as infants, alcohol, iodine, potassium permanganate, sterile gauze, absorbent cotton and essential drugs such as cardiac sedatives, sedatives, pituitrin, as well as syringes, needles, thermometers, scissors, numbering equipment, and marking fluids, Scales, recording forms (ewe lamb records, lamb identification) should be adequately prepared.
4. The veterinarian. Lambs and lambs is a tedious and meticulous task. It is necessary to carefully study according to the number of sheep to be bred, formulate technical measures and operating procedures for lambs and lambs, and do a good job of lambs and lambs. The personnel who pick up lambs must have a clear division of labor and responsibility to the people. They should train the staff members who have joined the lambs for the first time so that they can master the knowledge and skills of lamb-raising. In addition, veterinarians should regularly enter the venue for a tour inspection to ensure timely prevention and treatment.
Second, strengthen the feeding and management of pregnant ewes If the feeding ewes poor management, lack of feeding conditions will affect the development of the fetus, ewes will lack of milk after lambing, resulting in low survival rate of lambs, so we must strengthen the breeding of labor ewes Management to ensure the needs of their nutrients. In addition, the labor of ewes is inconvenient, and care must be taken to prevent them from getting crowded when entering and exiting the circle. The staff members stand in a circle and pass one by one. Do not catch up, prohibit whipping and disturbing.
Third, earnestly do a good job in lambing 1. Signs of childbirth. Before the ewes are pregnant, their breasts are swollen, their nipples are standing upright, the vulva is swollen and flushed, and thick mucous is sometimes discharged. The fall of the armpits, especially 2 to 3 hours before labor, is the most obvious; it is difficult to move and the frequency of urination increases; Looking back at the abdomen, we would like to sit on the corner of the wall and straighten our limbs. Sometimes the limbs are shaved and their performance is disturbed and they yell from time to time. The staff should observe the ewes at any time. If there is such a situation, especially when the genital culprit or the amniotic membrane is exposed on the vulva, the ewes should be sent to the shed.
2. Normal production. When the ewes are normally delivered, lambs can be produced within 10 to 30 minutes after the rupture of the amniotic membrane. When a normal fetal lamb is born, two forelimbs and head are usually first. If the hind legs are out first, it is best to immediately take birth to prevent the fetus from suffocating.
When producing double lambs, they are usually separated by 5 to 30 minutes and there are more than 1 hour. When the ewes produce their first lambs, they must check if there are any lambs left unreported. If you see a situation in which you feel uneasy, lie down or stand up and lie back down, use the palm of your hand to push up in front of the ewe's abdomen. Referrals, like lambs, can touch a hard and smooth lamb. Special attention should be paid to ewes that produce double or multiple lambs. When the second and third lambs are produced, they are tired and powerless, and the fetuses of the lambs are often not correct. Therefore, midwives need more midwifery.
After the lamb is produced, first wipe out the mucous in its mouth and nasal cavity to avoid suffocation or foreign body pneumonia due to breathing difficulties and swallowing amniotic fluid. The mucus on the lamb is best for the ewes. If the ewe is not awake or when the weather is cold, the lamb must be quickly wiped to avoid cold. Within two hours of birth, the lambs are weighed and their newborns are identified and logged in the log book.
3. Dystocia treatment. About 20 minutes after the water was broken, the ewe did not blame and the fetal membranes did not come out. The midwife should be assisted immediately. The method of midwifery was mainly to forcibly pull out the yolk. The midwife cuts the nails, cleans the arms, disinfects them, and lubricates them. First help the ewes stretch the vulva, pull out the two forelegs of the fetus and send them in again, repeat 3 to 4 times, then pull the forelegs firsthand, and help the head one by one. With the responsibilities of the ewes, slowly pull them backward and downward. However, you must not use too much force to prevent injury to the birth canal.
4. suspended animation processing. If the delivery time is long, the lambs will appear suspended animation. To recover them, two methods are generally used: one is to lift the two hind limbs of the lambs, so that the lambs are vacated while taking pictures of their backs; the other is to make the lambs lying flat with two hands. Rhythmically pushing the lambs on both sides of the lamb's chest, the temporarily suspended lambs, will be able to recover after this treatment.
Fourth, to strengthen the care of ewes and lambs after lambing 1. The care of newborn lambs. After the lamb is born, it should be eaten as soon as possible. Thin lambs or first-born ewes, as well as poorly nurtured ewes, need artificially assisted breast-feeding. If the ewes are ill or if there is a shortage of milk in one litter, they should look for nanny sheep milk substitutes. In addition, attention should be paid to the environmental hygiene of livestock houses and the individual hygiene of lambs, and preventive measures should be taken to reduce the occurrence of epidemics and increase the survival rate of lambs.
2. Nursing for Lambing Ewes. Postpartum ewes should pay attention to keep warm, moisture, shelter, prevent colds, and ensure rest. The first few days after delivery should be given good quality, easily digestible feed, but the amount is not easy too much, after 3 days the feed can be turned to normal.
(Chen Zifeng)

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